Get started with FMS Fleet APIs


The FMS Fleet API allows customers to access and manage vehicles within their FMS fleet groups. This documentation provides detailed information about the API endpoints, their usage, and example use cases.  

The FMS Fleet API provides endpoints to retrieve information about vehicles accessible to the customer based on their account and specific query parameters. The following sections describe the available operations in detail. 


  • You have a Ryder Developer Portal account. Follow the relevant Onboarding flow to create an account

  • You have cURL, Postman, or a similar tool installed to make API calls

  • You are a Ryder customer with an assigned lessee number


The API uses an API key for authentication. The key should be included in the request headers as follows: 

GET /vehicles HTTPS/1.1 
API-Key: your_api_key_here 

Step 1: Create a Subscription

  1. Log in to the Ryder API Developer Portal

  2. Navigate to the Fleet API Product Page

  3. In the Subscription section, create an application

    • App Name: My Ryder Fleet App

    • App Description: This is my first Ryder API app as a carrier

    • Redirect URI: http://localhost:3000 (you can use this for testing purposes)

  4. Check the Developer Terms of Service checkbox and click "Create"

  5. Ryder will review the request and grant approval.

Step 2: Access your API Key

1. Go to your Profile menu and view Subscriptions

2. Click on the name of the app you just created, and click Show. This is the API Key that will be used in the API-Key header.

Step 3: Request data

  1. For this example, we'll use the Vehicles API

  2. Include the access token in the Authorization header of your API call:

GET /vehicles HTTPS/1.1 
API-Key: your_api_key_here 

If the request is successful, the API will return a confirmation message.

Endpoint Overview

For the complete Open API Specification and examples, visit the Fleet API product page.

GET / Vehicles

This endpoint retrieves all vehicles that the requesting customer has access to, based on their account and the optional query parameters. 

Query Parameters: 

  • ‘customerNumber’: Filter by customer number(s). 

  • ‘vehicleNumber’: Filter by Ryder vehicle number(s). 

  • ‘vin’: Filter by VIN number(s). 

  • ‘customervehicleNumber’: Filter by customer vehicle number(s). 

  • ‘licensePlate’: Filter by license plate number(s). 

  • ‘sort’: Sort the vehicle list by specified attributes. 

Example Request:

GET /vehicles?customerNumber=23456 HTTPS/1.1 
API-Key: your_api_key_here 

GET / Vehicles/{vehicleNumber}

This endpoint retrieves detailed information about a specific vehicle identified by its resource ID. 

Path Parameters: 

  • ‘vehicleNumber’: The vehicle number for the vehicle. 

Example Request:

GET /vehicles/277686 HTTPS/1.1 
API-Key: your_api_key_here 

Return Payload Fields 

The following fields are returned in the payload for the ‘GET /vehicles’ and ‘GET /vehicles/{vehicleNumber}’ endpoints: 

  • customerNumber: The customer’s lease or rental number associated with the vehicle. 

  • vehicleNumber: The Ryder assigned vehicle number. 

  • vin: The Vehicle Identification Number. 

  • customerVehicleNumber: The customer's assigned vehicle number. 

  • licensePlate: The vehicle's license plate number. 

  • domicileLocationNumber: The domicile location number of the vehicle. 

  • domicileLocationName: The domicile location name of the vehicle. 

  • vehicleType: The type of vehicle. 

Use Cases

Use Case 1: Retrieve All Vehicles for a Customer 

A customer wants to retrieve a list of all vehicles they have access to. They can use the ‘GET /vehicles’ endpoint with their customer number as a query parameter. 

GET /vehicles?customerNumber=23456 HTTPS/1.1 
API-Key: your_api_key_here 

Use Case 2: Retrieve a Specific Vehicle by VIN 

A customer needs details about a specific vehicle identified by its VIN. They can use the ‘GET /vehicles’ endpoint with the VIN as a query parameter. 

GET /vehicles?vin=3ALACXFC3LDLZ3143 HTTPS/1.1 
API-Key: your_api_key_here 

Use Case 3: Sort Vehicles by Domicile Location 

A customer wants to retrieve a list of vehicles sorted by their domicile location. They can use the ‘GET /vehicles’ endpoint with the ‘sort’ query parameter. 

GET /vehicles?sort=domicileLocationNumber asc HTTPS/1.1 
API-Key: your_api_key_here 

Use Case 4: Retrieve a Vehicle by Vehicle Number 

A customer needs detailed information about a specific vehicle. They can use the ‘GET /vehicles/{vehicleNumber}’ endpoint with the vehicle number. 

GET /vehicles/277686 HTTPS/1.1 
API-Key: your_api_key_here